Friday, January 25, 2019

A proper college paper's presentation DOES matter

This is a good example of spacing for margins, a header, title, and citations.

Needed ingredients:
(1) Header set-up; title
(2) Page numbers
(3) Margin and double-spaced
(4) Thesis: What is the idea of this paper? WHY is the thesis relevant? (What are you trying to endorse
/points to prove/discuss/explain/argue)? (How does it affect something in real life/another relevant idea? Why does it involve the world-at-large and how does it have an impact?)
(5) Topic sentences which open each paragraph that offer a GENERAL idea that will be explained later by...(6).
(6) Examples. Details. Quotes. Facts: they reinforce the thesis and are summarized in each topic sentence.
(7) Conclusion that restates thesis/shows results.

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Speechless about this site? Borrow this speech.

Oh, so that's the deal, eh?  You've been so busy and entertained with the great ideas on this blog that you've written everything BUT a comment because you forgot the password.  That doesn't surprise me: you've even forgotten to write comments.  

Well, here's a reminder: it's not Mary, even if she does drink like a fish.

Oh. That reminds me--it's not sturgeon either, although you could become a sturgeon if you get good grades in college and get accepted to medical school.  You might actually learn something on this blog about college--or maybe even about grades.

You could do me the honor of a comment about how this blog is doing. No swordfish, please. Mary said so.  At least SHE cares--as soon as I find out the new password. 

With that introduction being done, it's time for the conclusion. 
Make a note: this is MY voice. Well, it's my fingers. That guy in the mortar-and-tassel hat borrowed them--and had me type this. It wasn't my idea--it was his. He just kept stirring around in my head and saying things like "I'll wait until one of us is good and ready. I've never been good. But I was always ready." I agree, Groucho.
"So--you're back again?  Well, there's a price to pay this time.
No, not that--you're thinking about tuition.  Well, it's time you use your tuition--or maybe your intuition--and drop me a line.  Or drop me a comment and a line.  Or just drop me altogether.  I'd drop you if I was holding  you in my arms--especially if you're one of the guys.  If you were one of the girls, I'd think twice.  If you were one of the guys, I wouldn't even think.  But that's neither here nor there.

"Speaking of here and there, I'm here and you're not--so wherever you are, how about letting me know what you think of this site? That is, if you can--think, that is.  Are you learning about the whys, ways, and means of the world?  How about the Ways and Means Committee--are they learning anything?  I meant the Congress.
"Even so:  be a fair sport and send me a comment.  I used to play sports:  I played the horses, but I quit because they beat me too many times. No matter how fast I ran, they were faster.  Send me some money if you have some:  I've heard all about student loans--and I could use a few dollars.  Open up and don't bother to knock, because you're in places with long syllables and a lot of vowels.  Send me a few syllables along with a few dollars if you're inclined.  And if you're in a decline, then I'll wait--you must be from somewhere in the Southern Hemisphere.  Everything is upside down, they say, from one hemisphere to the other.

"But don't wait:  the school year ends faster than you think.  They say it's going faster than ever, but you can't tell me that, especially when my students would say they needed more time to turn in their assignments.  At least they didn't turn on me.  Well, maybe they did:  they turned and ran.  But some of them ran toward me--I can't imagine why, because it wasn't for the money I had in my pockets.  Being a teacher, I was hoping they had some money in their pockets. They picked my pockets in graduate school.  And that's why I became a professor.  It's the only way to get an education.  And boy--have I learned a lot!  I may end up on a lot--with used cars.  And that's why you need an education:  to learn about getting used like a car.
"Trust me. You can learn a lot in a place like this from me. And maybe you'll learn about cars--or education. They go hand-in-hand. I took my girl's hand and led her to my car--and boy, did I get an education."
(In fact, writing that was an education from the maestro himself; and let me tell you it sure was wild to find myself as a medium-in-writing-assistance mode with Groucho. Mark Twain and O. Henry have also borrowed me in similar ways, and of course, Oscar W. You might say I led a real Wilde time in a past life. And I'm completely Earnest about that.)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Classroom of the Future

Changing the way school is structured:       
      The Future of Education - A School You Would WANT To Attend! 

Besides subject study, ample social time should be given between classes and play time (or nap opportunities) should be allowed in the morning and afternoon. A “free” class could be created where a child can expand on any topic they wish with other children, i.e., let the children teach the children. 

The length of time for classes should be less than one hour for each class, schedules should be individualized, homework should be a rarity, and the children should not be overworked or stressed. Class credits should be given for the interaction in community of gardening, building infrastructure, and care-giving.

School should be fun and the children will want to add as many classes as they can. Curriculum should be an interactive choice between the student, parent, and a counselor based on the capability of the child, and graduation of primary and secondary schools could be done at any age.

Education will need to be continuously re-created as more strands of our DNA are activated and more information is available to humans through our higher selves and our Akashic records. One of Education will need to be continuously re-created as more strands of our DNA are activated and more information is available to humans through our higher selves and our Akashic records. One of the most sought-after jobs will be teaching these brilliant children and it will be one of the most rewarding careers to have.

Education administrators will be free thinkers, organizers, and mediators, and will enjoy their jobs just as much as teachers. the most sought after jobs will be teaching these brilliant children and it will be one of the most rewarding careers to have. Education administrators will be free thinkers, organizers, and mediators, and will enjoy their jobs just as such as teachers.

 Does this article give you any ideas about the future of education and the co-creation of the New Earth? If so, now is the time to begin brainstorming and to form groups on Facebook and other social media sites dedicated to revamping our education system. Change will have to happen on the community level by example and then spread throughout the world due to the success of one particular curriculum over another. Information and awareness about the corruption of our current system and what we are going to do about it is the key to moving forward as free-willed humans.

Math- Geometry is the basic building block of all life. Math will take on a whole new meaning and new ways of arithmetic along with fun ways to calculate will be taught.

Cosmic Science- Identity and placement of Universes in our cosmos and the difference between free willed Universes and non free-willed Universes.

Universal Science- How planets, moons, and stars are sentient beings and how they all work together to form solar systems and galaxies.

Universal History- The history of the Universe including civilizations and placement in the Cosmos.

Creation Science- The study of how everyone and everything is connected from one Creator and how we contribute to that creation.

Human History- DNA studies, human genetics, and the history of humanity from Lyra to today, including the social statistics, behaviors, and characteristics of all humans in our Universe.

Human Rights- Constitutional Law on freedom and the Golden Rule.

Sexual Relations- The responsibility behind merging energies with another human and teaching the ability to decide whether another human body is created.

Universal Language- Learning the language of light which is understood throughout the Universe.

Universal Law- Learning the importance of Universal Law and how it relates to all sentient beings.

Astrology - Learning how to read and fully understand your birth chart and life cycles.

Astronomy - Understanding the importance of stars, planets and constellations.  Learning how the stars can show us the cycles of time along with how they can be used for navigation.

Sixth Sense Studies- Developing all of your innate gifts.

Meditation - Guided classes on how to safely travel the Universe with your consciousness, learning new meditation techniques, developing new ones.

Exercise- Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.

Galactic Ambassador Training- How to become a galactic ambassador, spaceship flight training.

Healing- Methods for keeping the body clear of negativity (reiki, quantum touch, etc...), responsible thinking, service to others.

Gardening- How to grow organic food and hemp for cultivation, different forms of gardening such as hydroponics, permaculture, etc...

Technological and Industrial Sciences- How to make almost anything from hemp, 3d printing, free energy technology, encourage free thinking and non-competitive invention.

Environment- The true importance of being stewards of the earth by living on her without making footprints and healing the environment.

Recycling- Maximizing what has been created in the past into something sustainable.

Council of Elder training- With the elimination of government, a Council of Elders training program will be facilitated to ensure that future elders will always be working in humanity's best interests.

Music- All forms of music including history, composition, symphonic band and concert, and voice.

UFO Research - Classes on the documentation of UFOs through night vision goggles, how to interact with them, sky mapping, UFOs in Art History, etc...

Creative arts- All forms of creativity including art, dance, drama, and writing.

Community- How to contribute economically to your community through barter, volunteering, and communal care-giving for all children.

Creative culinary classes and decorating houses for energy flow could be subjects.

Life Path Development - Helping people find their life path, based on their astrological charts, personal interests and past life experiences.

Spiritual Psychology- Learning how the body, mind, soul and spirit interact.  Dream analysis, dream journals, counseling methods, past life regression techniques are included in this genre.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Dinosaurs: a Movie

A student has asked for a movie about dinosaurs. The animation on this film is pretty realistic--but a warning that it's got a measure of realistic violence that befits the creatures. After all, these are prehistoric monsters who either were eaten by larger predators or lived on plants in a quantity that allowed them to grow to huge sizes. 

And whether it's the male-female T-Rex pair stalking and successfully killing a Triceratops, the arrogant Allosaurus who tries to establish his status for territory against a much larger, sleeping dinosaur, or the angry mother Mosasaur who attacks the predator sharks who killed two of her newborns, these are the beasts that captured our imaginations in all their furious ways. 

Friday, October 26, 2018 for science-based assessment and more

I just wrote this company for help with the science assessment program I need to present to my students.

  • Goal-oriented, self-paced, instruction and practice
  • Rigorous content, yet fun and engaging for students
  • Very easy to use for students and teachers
  • Web-based, designed for desktop or tablet
  • Find out why 16,710 schools have signed up for Learning Farm this year

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Calling all standards!

On the 2nd-from-bottom image, I now learned that I've been using "i.e." wrong: I meant to use "e.g.." which means "for example." Okay, how am I going to remember that?! Well, I use mnemomics ("neh-mohn-ics" to remember things--so I'll remember that "i.e." is an EGGS-ample."

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Just stating the facts...

The gnawing gnarled gnu's nose knows what's new now.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Wonderful words in English

Glad to say I've heard or used these!! And pumpernickel is one of my favorites--to eat.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

We accept exceptions

Does the cat see the mouse? No, the dirty rat!

Monday, July 30, 2018

Good versus Well: grammar lesson

Today's Lunchbox Lesson, c/o Analytical Grammar/Grammar Planet: GOOD and WELL
GOOD: an adjective, modifying/describing a noun. It's typically used three ways:
1. before the noun it modifies ("Have a good time!")
2. after a verb of being ("That movie was good!")
3. after a linking verb ("Those cookies smell good!")

Good should not be used as an adverb to modify a verb.
It would be incorrect to say "I played good at piano practice today." 
It should read, "I played well at piano practice today."
WELL: an adverb, modifying/describing a verb. That means WELL tells *how* something is done. For example, "She did well on her AP exam." (How did she do? She did well!) For example, "He reads quite well for his age." (How does he read? He reads well!)
**In certain cases, well may be used as an adjective and be interchangeable with good:
1. to indicate good health (I feel good/I feel well)
2. to indicate satisfactory conditions (All is good in the city today/All is well in the city today)
GOOD and WELL both change to "better" and "best" in their comparative and superlative forms.
This is a good research paper.
It is much better than your last one.
In fact, it's the best paper in the class!
Everyone played well at the concert today.
The percussion section played better than the string section.
The brass section -- with the saxophone solo -- played the best!
GOOD is always an adjective modifying a noun.
WELL is usually an adverb, modifying a verb. It can, however, be used as an adjective only to describe good health or satisfactory conditions.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Students develop School-Community Connections


Mapping Their Futures: Kids Foster School-Community Connections

Students at the Y-PLAN project create bonds through grassroots city planning.

On a sunny Saturday morning in the San Francisco Bay Area, two groups of high school juniors from nearby Emeryville and Richmond step from a school bus to check out an underused public space along the Berkeley waterfront -- a running path laid out on a landfill. The morning reconnaissance is part of Y-PLAN (Youth -- Plan, Learn, Act, Now), a city planning program run by the University of California at Berkeley's Center for Cities & Schools. As traffic barrels along the nearby freeway, students glance around curiously. They are new to this patch of land, even though it's relatively close to where many of them live.

To help the two groups of students get to know one another, Y-PLAN coordinators ask them to give their names as well as something they appreciate about their own neighborhoods. A few mention the freshness of living by the water; others refer to the ability to walk to a grocery store or local basketball court. One young woman, toeing the ground, shrugs her shoulders and mumbles that she can't think of anything she likes about the gritty section of Richmond where she lives. "I don't feel safe there," she says. Others nod knowingly.
For inner-city kids who've grown up with poverty and crime, this sentiment is understandable -- and not unusual. Because the idea of neighborhood has as many negatives as positives, many Y-PLAN students admit to approaching their local project assignments with initial skepticism. But after twelve weeks of working in teams with UC Berkeley mentors to gather a big-picture view of urban planning, including conducting surveys and site research, crafting proposals for two community centers in their respective neighborhoods, and presenting their ideas to a panel of urban-planning professionals, Y-PLAN participants had a new sense of possibilities.
"Y-PLAN changed my perspective," says Julio Arauz, a student at Richmond's John F. Kennedy High School. "It's not just the negative aspect you have to look at. You have to look at the potential -- the bright side of things."
Through the knowledge that they, too, can affect their communities, Y-PLAN students came to some of the same conclusions as the program's founders: Young people have valuable ideas to bring to the city planning table, and educational revitalization can be a catalyst for community revitalization -- and vice versa.

Project: Transformation

Now entering its tenth year, Y-PLAN is "the heart and heartbeat of the Center for Cities & Schools," says Deborah McKoy, creator of Y-PLAN and the center's founder and executive director. Winner of numerous awards from such groups as the Architectural Foundation of San Francisco and the California Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, Y-PLAN is held every spring for twelve weeks, usually in conjunction with ninth-, tenth-, or eleventh-grade social studies or history classes in hard-pressed East Bay communities. Graduate and undergraduate students in urban planning at UC Berkeley lead a rigorous project-learning curriculum; through initial brainstorming sessions to design sessions to formal presentations for city officials, high school students become stakeholders in the city planning process.
"After they critically analyze the places they are in," says Center for Cities & Schools program manager Ariel Bierbaum, "they learn the process by which those places get transformed -- and their role in that change process."
Past Y-PLAN projects include the redesign of the historic West Oakland train station and a neglected Oakland minipark. This spring, students at Emeryville's Emery Secondary School and in John F. Kennedy High School's Architecture, Construction, and Engineering Technology (ACET) Academy developed recommendations for two projects: a wellness center located in an unused part of the Emeryville school building (designed to serve as a youth and family destination for health and recreational services) and the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Center and Park, a cornerstone of an ongoing revitalization of Richmond's Nystrom neighborhood.
For city planners and administrators who'd been given the task of developing youth programming for the centers, Y-PLAN offered an opportunity to hear from the kind of young people who would be served by centers like these.
Many of the projects Y-PLAN students work on are so large in scale that any effect of the students' input may not be immediately obvious -- no train station or community center can be redesigned in a matter of months. Although student feedback has sometimes influenced city planning decisions, it doesn't necessarily sway them. Still, the overall impact the program has on both the student and professional perspective appears to be significant.
"Y-PLAN makes folks who deal with cities and urban centers aware of the incredible importance and value of public schools," says Deborah McKoy. "Urban public schools are often seen as 'the problem,' when in fact what I think we learn from Y-PLAN is how much a part of the solution they are."

The Finals

At the two schools' final presentations for city administrators, council members, engineers, and architects, students showcased scale drawings and three-dimensional models of each building, backed up by explanatory posters and Microsoft PowerPoint slides with detailed proposals for how the buildings might best be used. Richmond students emphasized the necessity for a tight security staff, a public gun drop-off, and social services such as driver's education, job training, a walking path, and a child-care center. They also proposed replacing a dilapidated playground with a garden or even a café to draw in more "customers."
Emery students presented their wellness center as a place to do homework, make art, use computers, and see counselors. To transform what they described as "a very empty and very dark" space, they incorporated in their design plants, murals, and large windows. They also had a variety of propositions for unused public spaces nearby that could be converted into parks.
Some site aspects students referred to, such as a lack of trash cans or a prevalence of broken gates, "frankly had me squirming," says Richmond city manager Bill Lindsay. "Why aren't we doing this? These ideas are simple and practical and can happen right away." Because budgets are chronically tight, many of the larger, more hopeful suggestions had little chance of coming to fruition in the near term, but the presentations nevertheless had a revelatory and empowering effect.
"Seeing what they want for themselves has been an honor," says Emery participating teacher Madenh Hassan.
"Y-PLAN is a good opportunity for us, because we can actually speak our minds," says self-assured Emery student Chantell Brown. She hopes the Emeryville center will be, among other things, a safe place where young people can go after school -- something teens in low-income, high-crime communities desperately need. She was eager to tell developers, educators, and city administrators "what the 'real' is, what we see every day, what we have to go through."
"Sometimes adults don't take us seriously," adds her classmate, Yesenia Cuatlatl. "Y-PLAN is a good idea because sometimes we say, 'Oh, they really need to change this,' but we don't do anything; we just talk about it."
Judging from the enthusiasm of their audience, the students' work -- and the determination that went with it -- helped adults take them very seriously indeed. As Bill Lindsay told students, "If you ever want to talk about city management as a long-term goal, please give me a call."
Y-PLAN is transformative, says Ariel Bierbaum, for both the audience (civic leaders and urban planners) and for the young presenters, who "gain facility with a new vocabulary and advocate for themselves in a civic space. Even though it's just a semester, from what I've seen, I think the kids hold on to that."

Ripple Effects

Many students do hold onto the experience -- and not just symbolically. As Y-PLAN introduces them to a spectrum of employment opportunities in urban development, planning, politics, and administration, some pursue related careers, many at UC Berkeley. "Without doing Y-PLAN, I don't think many students would have been exposed to those professions, or would even have known they exist," says Jeff Vincent, deputy director of the Center for Cities & Schools. Although the university is a local resource for these students, some do not see prestigious UC Berkeley -- or any college -- as a real possibility. Y-PLAN, which includes a tour of the Berkeley campus and tips on the admissions process, helps make college a more accessible option.
Y-PLAN has also had ripple effects nationwide: From 2000 to 2005, the Center for Cities & Schools worked with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to adapt the Y-PLAN model to HOPE VI, a public-housing-redevelopment initiative. In partnership with thirty-seven cities and more than 500 students, Y-PLAN coordinators led multiple-day "urban-planning boot camps," creating, says Deborah McKoy, "a national network of youth who live in public housing, and who then were a part of the redevelopment of their communities."
And in 2007, Alissa Kronovet, a former Y-PLAN mentor and a graduate of the city planning master's program at UC Berkeley, gathered students from both coasts to form the Young Planners Network (YPN) -- what McKoy refers to as "advanced Y-PLAN" -- an opportunity for students to attend planning conferences and network with students from other cities across North America. The YPN was created after Kronovet and an initial group of fifteen students from the Bay Area and Brooklyn met and worked with students from New Orleans at last year's Planners Network Conference. Participants were eager to continue learning, meeting one another, and, as YPN participant and Emery student Deszeray Williams puts it, "make a career out of helping make my community a better place." In April 2008, 100 people attended the first YPN conference, held in New York City, and a conference is scheduled in Berkeley for next spring.
Now that the program has been running for almost a decade, Center for Cities & Schools staffers have put together a "Y-PLAN Handbook," a step-by-step guide available to the center's school and community partners. Although Y-PLAN is a labor- and resource-intensive undertaking, its founders have high hopes for its scalability -- and, ultimately, for sustained, systemic change in communities and schools.
It's a daunting task, of course, but the Y-PLAN approach embraces one key idea: Start with the kids. "Even though we may not say it, we care about our community as much as adults do," says student Chantell Brown. "We did Y-PLAN so that we could have a voice."

Friday, July 7, 2017

The March of the Dinosaurs (full movie)

A great movie about dinosaurs  (both plant eaters and meat eaters)--and their habits and activities.