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These were fellow human beings. And they have a story to tell.
Of challenges, struggles, notoriety in its own cruel way, employment (yes!), even romance and families; of proving themselves. This is the story of some Very Special People. And I discuss this with nurses and other medical professionals to ask, "Do you know of these people and their conditions?"
I had this book in paperback in 1973, and last read it in 1982. The stories still are vivid in my memory. Even now, I can tell you some of the names of the book cover: that's Eli Bowen on top left, born without a lower body but attached feet instead; poor Julia Pasternak, who was from a Mexican Indian tribe and labeled "The Ugliest Woman in the world," who did get married, but only at death to have her body put on display by her greedy, manipulative husband. To her left; well, she was obviously a midget, and around 18 inches tall. The overweight man eludes me, but that's "The Human Caterpillar," Prince Randian from the Caribbean, who is rolling his own cigarette with his mouth. There were others whose story I would leave for another possible post.
But very special in his own way: Joseph Merrick. The Elephant Man, whose short life was totally misplaced and ruined by David Lynch's movie of the same name. Joseph, who suffered NOT from neurofibromatosis but instead, Proteus Syndrome, did NOT face the social ridicule of Victorian England when he DID work as a side show exhibit. He DID have a fairly normal childhood although his growths were obviously forming, and he was unable after age 11 to work in a factory--and ended up in a workhouse until age 17, and then went to the side shows for employment.
He WASN'T associated with a theater star, nor was he abused by a guard at the hospital where he lived after he WAS introduced to his benefactor, Dr. Frederick Treves. He did NOT meet a beautiful theater actress, but he WAS introduced to one of Queen Victoria's daughters. He would normally sleep sitting up because of the weight of his skull being impossible to sleep sideways or on his stomach or back. When he DID one night try to sleep on his back, the mass and weight of his skull broke his neck and killed him. He was known to never complain about his condition.
Proteus was the Greek god who could change into a gas, solid, or liquid. He did so to try and avoid helping Hercules complete his 12 tasks. Hercules still contained him and got the answers he sought.
Oh. About Eli Bowen. He had a pal named Charles Tripp, who had no arms but had his legs. They would go out on a two-seated bicycle throughout Ohio as a tour enticement for their act. Eli would steer and Tripp would pedal, and a crowd of amazed viewers often heard Bowen snap back, "Get your hands off me!" Tripp would call out to his partner, "Watch your step!"