Friday, April 26, 2024

The benefits of reading extend for a lifetime


Reading has an unlimited number of rewards; one of the most important of which may be that it stimulates the brain and simultaneously, the power and capacity to think and use one's imagination. It also encourages and promotes the power of the mind to connect and synthesize ideas in higher levels of thought--as I've used in vocabulary, "to extrapolate and juxtapose." 

I'm extremely grateful that my family encouraged my thirst for knowledge when I was a child and twice bought me volumes of encyclopedia. It also laid the groundwork for my fascination as a child for the subject of Greek and Roman mythology, and also that of Egyptian, Babylonian, and Norse myths as well. This certainly influenced my decision to pursue my undergraduate degree in psychology along with my life choice of professional work as a psychological consultant and Life Mentor in education. And now, especially because I can read and comprehend, I am teaching in an entirely new capacity as a graduate business communications professor, helping my students achieve their MBA (master of business administration). Furthermore, I can advise them on job skills and achievement beyond graduation.
And because I learned to read, I was able to advance my capacity to write--including teaching composition at a college and university level. (And along with that, 11 books.)  I'm so lucky I learned to read. It has helped me, more than anything, learn how to think.

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